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Aidy Bryant Is One of Us, Can't Find "Cool Clothes" in Her Size

Aidy Bryant needed a dress to wear to the Emmys. Like the rest The Saturday Night Live star had a hard time finding clothing for her shape. Unlike the rest of us Eloquii came to the rescue with a custom-made gown. " I think it’s a different experience for plus size women in film and television to get clothes for events.," Bryant said to People . "It’s just not as welcoming for us to get cool clothes that are like equal in glamour, in style to what, I am going to say, ‘small size’ co-stars get to wear. So I’ve had experiences on photoshoots or wherever, where there just aren’t options for us. So to have this experience where they approached me and it’s not us begging them … and they’ve been like, ‘Let’s make this special.’ It’s been very glamorous to me in ways I maybe haven’t experienced before. So it’s been really, really positive … it’s been such a delight.” Like others before her, Bryant isn't exactly thrilled with the majority of plus size clothing options. “...I definitely feel like sometimes there are plus-size offerings that it’s either super retro or super animal print: Here’s a way for you to be bold! But I don’t want to put on a costume. I want to feel like anyone else. I want to feel modern and cool and young too cause that’s what I am, yo!”

Aidy Bryant Is One of Us, Can't Find "Cool Clothes" in Her Size
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