CFDA Tells Members to "Make An Effort" in Model Diversity
While the range of models on the New York Fashion Week runway went up slightly in February, the Council of Fashion Designers of America are reminding its members to keep diversifying the runways. CFDA health initiative letter handed out this fashion season featured guideline written by Diversity Coalition founder Bethann Hardison. While The Fashion Spot noted that Hardison wrote these suggestions years ago, they guidelines still hold up today: Encourage the industry to be inclusive of racial diversity when preparing casting of models for their company needs. Ask model agencies to includes and send models of color when casting. Do not assume agents will automatically do so. It’s good for them to hear the interest and important to see what models of color are available. Request models of color every season and not be limited to Spring/Summer collections and hesitate when it comes to Fall/Winter collections. When speaking to model agencies suggest to them to scout for more models of color encouraging a better selection. Be open-minded to models of color. Make an effort to add diversity to your lineup. It affects how we see things globally and how we are seen as an industry. There you go, fashion designers. Happy Fashion week, and, as RuPaul would say, "don't f*#% it up."