Lena Dunham: "Plus Size" is an Outdated Term
At last night's Webby Awards in NYC, Cosmo interviewed "Girls" actor/director/writer Leah Dunham, who believes the term "plus size" in antiquated. Dunham was recently in a skit with the Comedian Who Is Not Plus Size about the shopping experience for an average woman. Like her co-star, Dunham gets lumped into the plus size label unfairly, but isn't plus size. In Dunham's world, fashion is inclusive and women are beautiful just the way they are: "...[T]here's nothing wrong with being any size! As long as you feel comfortable with yourself — even if you don't feel comfortable with yourself! — there's nothing wrong with being any size." For Dunham, who is considered " brave " for getting naked on "Girls" and is against Photoshop , her call to drop "plus size" feels slightly more genuine than some of her peers demanding the same thing. Using "plus size" to describe a person may feel old to some celebrities, but the news cycle of celebrities decrying the term is becoming just as stale.