Shocker: Plus-Size Shoppers Can't Find Their Sizes in Stores.
Although retail labels are trying to reach to its younger plus-size customers, those very same customers are having trouble finding their sizes at retailers, according to the Chicago Tribune . Shoppers are also confused as to how much plus-size clothing a story might carry, if any. A retailer might display a full plus-size line in store as a promotion one week, only to banish it to online-only the next. This might be news to the average reader, but not to the average plus-size shopper. May can attest that it's hard to find clothing selections above a size 16 at the straight-size stores, and 28 at the standard plus-size stores or sections. At least there's the option of online shopping, standard for millennials but for Gen Y shoppers and up, they remember the times when brick-and-mortar stores were the only way to go. Still, this conversation is being had. Plus-size shoppers should be able to share the same shopping experiences as everyone else. We've come a long way, but still have a long way to go.