Steer Clear: Home Renovation Mistakes To Avoid
Everyone deserves their dream home. And you can achieve yours with renovations. However, it’s important to follow good practices. Discover the home renovation mistakes to avoid, and steer clear of these situations! Starting Too Many Projects Not only is determining your renovation priorities an essential tip for budgeting home improvements , but it’s beneficial advice. Don’t start too many projects at once because they’ll overwhelm you. Not to mention, doing so is expensive! If you plan on utilizing your home while undergoing renovations, you should be aware that carrying out too many projects at once can make the space nonfunctional. For instance, remodeling all your bathrooms simultaneously prevents you from using them. And it’s unrealistic to live in a home without a working restroom. Underestimating Cost and Time In the perfect scenario, your renovation cost and time meet your exact expectations. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Most remodeling projects cost 20 percent more than their anticipated cost. Furthermore, construction delays happen all the time. When you meet with a contractor, create a realistic timeline for projects and write down exact pricing. You don’t want delays or additional costs to sidetrack you! Choosing the Wrong Contractor Don’t trust a random person to oversee home renovations. You need a trusted contractor to supervise projects. Many homeowners hastily select a contractor because they want to begin renovations fast. Nonetheless, onboarding the wrong contractor becomes a huge headache. From bad supervision to charging expensive fees, many downsides can come from them. The wrong person can make renovations a nightmare! While searching for the right contractor, read reviews from their past clients and check their online ratings. You can also schedule interviews to evaluate their communication style. Sacrificing Function for Trends Sacrificing function for trends is a big home renovation mistake to avoid. Home design trends come and go, and you don’t want to select something impractical. For example, vessel sinks and open kitchen shelves are trendy, but they can become burdens. Vessel sinks are prone to splashing water and are less durable than other sink options. Likewise, open kitchen shelves require consistent organizing to uphold their neat appearance. So a messy shelf hinders the room’s aesthetic. When designing your new space, you want features that fit your lifestyle. Although something looks nice, that doesn't mean it’s the right fit for your home.