Welcome to Strutter
This weekend, Strutter received a nice write up by Emma Medeiros of Medeiros Fashion PR. Thanks to the article, Strutter's getting notice. For those who are new to the site, welcome! Now's a good time to explain what Strutter's about. Two years ago, Strutter was launched as a news site f the plus size industry. We focus on developments that may be good (or not so good) for the industry. From finance to health, celebrities to fashion. Strutter will cover it. However, some news sites consider social media interactions like clapbacks "news." That's not news. For ages, we have been telling people off who make fun of us for the most benign reason. We shut people down every single day. It's a way of life for many whose looks aren't considered the norm. Strutter adheres to the phrase, Content may be king but context is queen. That's why, as Mederios pointed out, the site isn't updated daily. It's not for the lack of trying. There are days, even weeks, where we get nothing when we search for "plus size news" on Google. Strutter combs news sites looking for anything plus-size related only to come up empty. You deserve better than reports about clapback responses. If you frequent the site, you'll notice that Strutter doesn't give out fashion tips. Strutter is in no position to give out fashion advice (trust), but we'll let you know the latest news on plus size apparel companies ASAP. You can always contact us via social media , or at readstrutter@gmail.com. We hope you enjoy the site. Thanks for visiting!