The Crop Top-Shaming Won't Stop
If you want a story to go viral, try to stop someone from wearing a crop top.
Back in the summer of '15, O Magazine felt the wrath of commenters online after offering style advice that crop tops exist only for taut tummies. Those rejecting the advice took to social media, proudly baring their midriffs.
Just when we thought we were past it, now comes a post from Maui Bigelow of Phat Girl Fresh who was subjected to crop-top judgment by a friend of a similar size. Bigelow took to The Curvy Fashionista expressing her shock and disappointment:
"As she grabbed the back of my skirt she stated, “I am just fixing your clothes because you know we can’t be showing our belly.” This got me heated and before I could check myself, I replied, “Maybe you can’t show your belly but I can show mine.” This exchange bothered me because despite the considerable growth of the plus size community, there is still this sort of ignorance, projection, and shaming present. What makes it even worse? That it is coming from one of us."
Who could have guessed that a sliver of exposed skin could incite such strong opinions? Since the original post on April 20, this story has spread like wildfire. . This is great for a site like TCF, which deserves all the website clicks.
Hater takedown stories aren't going away anytime soon. Stories like this should make someone think twice about sharing unwanted style advice, well meaning or not. When in doubt, recall Biglow's advice regarding crop tops which can be applied to fashion in general: "Make sure you are comfortable and confident with the overall look because this is the major key (in my DJ Khaled voice) in assuring that you slay." That is what matters most in style.