Best Tips for Beginners Playing an Instrument

Every day, there are countless people of all ages picking up an instrument for the very first time. That’s because learning how to play an instrument is enormously rewarding and something that nearly anyone can do. However, picking up an instrument is a rather big undertaking, so it makes sense that you want to do everything you can to set yourself up for success. As such, you’ll want to know some of the best tips for beginners playing an instrument.
Get Serious
You likely are already picturing yourself as being able to play your favorite songs on your chosen instrument perfectly. While that reality is certainly possible, it's important to know you won’t get there without consistency. If you want to achieve those goals and dreams, you must get serious about this discipline. Consider spending around three to four hours practicing each week, which averages out to about 20 to 40 minutes a day.
Break Bad Habits
One of the best tips you could receive as a beginner playing an instrument is to break bad habits as soon as possible. The sooner you break those habits, the better. In doing so, you’ll gain consistency in playing your instrument using the best practices.
For example, correct posture is incredibly important when playing the piano because it keeps you in alignment, which helps you play better. If you make it a habit to have poor posture when learning the piano, you’ll find yourself in more pain and possibly even hesitant to play and learn more.
Work With Peers
As with any hobby or interest, it’s normal to reach a plateau. During those times, it's quite important to push through so that you can get to the next level. While there are many ways to do this, one useful option is to work and practice alongside your peers. Working with a peer or friend will do wonders in motivating you toward your goals. You might also consider playing for your friend and asking for feedback on how you could improve.